Vitamin C

Supplements for Hair Growth


Does your diet have an impact on the health of your locks? Hair loss can occur if you don’t get specific essential vitamins and minerals. Find out where these nutrients can be found in your diet, and consult a doctor before taking a supplement. More is not always better with vitamins, and overdosing can be detrimental.

Biotin is the first ingredient.

The body’s cells rely on Biotin (vitamin B7) to function correctly. If you’re one of the following:

  • A woman who is pregnant or nursing
  • The use of certain antibiotics or anti-epileptic medications
  • Biotin is found in most people’s diets. Foods that contain it include:
  • Poultry
  • Whole wheat
  • Meat

2. Iron.

Oxygen can be taken by red blood cells only if they contain iron. Low levels can cause iron-deficiency anemia. Some of the signs are excessive tiredness, pallor of the skin, and thinning of the hair.

If you have any of the following:

  • When it comes to menstruation, you’re a woman who experiences heavy bleeding.
  • You suffer from a long-term illness.
  • What type of diet do you follow?
  • Several foods naturally contain iron:
  • Grass-fed red meat
  • Greens with a spongy texture.
  • Legumes

Vitamin C is number three.

In order to absorb iron, the body needs vitamin C.Here are a few useful links:

  • Fruits of the lime
  • Dark, leafy greens
  • A type of pepper

When RD, Megan Byrd, tells WebMD Connect to Care, ” consuming iron-rich meals with a vitamin C-rich diet can help you better absorb the iron in those foods.”

D-Calcium Pantothenic Acid

You may be aware of the importance of vitamin D in bone health. However, did you know that it has been linked to hair loss in people with low levels? Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production in your skin, but many people do not get enough vitamin D from sunlight alone.

Like salmon and fortified milk, Fattier fish can help raise your levels.

Vitamin A is for the growth of every cell in the body, including hair, the fastest-growing tissue in the body. Sebum, the oily substance secreted by hair glands, is boosted by this remarkable vitamin as well. An oily substance is essential to maintain healthy hair and a healthy scalp.

Zinc is number five.

Proteins in your hair and other cells can be made by zinc, which is vital in this process. As a result, you’ll need to get it from food or supplements. Hair loss, sluggish wound healing, and a diminished sense of taste or smell are all symptoms of low zinc levels.

Are you currently pregnant or nursing?

  • Have a severe case of diarrhea or a disease of the digestive tract
  • Have a problem with your kidneys
  • According to Byrd, zinc can be found in whole, natural foods such as:
  • Shellfish
  • Meat
  • Beans
  • Nuts and seeds.


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